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Zeolite in animal husbandry

In livestock farming there are three basic uses of zeolite. The first is feed additive, as livestock bedding and in mixture with manure.

Zeolite is 100% natural and inert product which has the approval of the European Union as feed additive for livestock (Regulation EU 651/2013).

As additive in livestock, zeolite binds ammonia which is produced during the digestion, while simultaneously, releases potassium which regulates the acidity of the stomach and facilitates absorption of minerals and nutrients.

Animal feeding experiments have found that zeolite improves the rate of digestion by 5%. The addition of zeolite in poultry feed at 2% can increase nitrogen content in manure by 40%. Also, by adding of zeolite in slurry at a rate of 6,25% can reduce the loss of ammonia at a rate of 55%. (Lefcourt and Meisinger, 2001).

Professors Experiments done in Veterinary Faculty of Thessalia (Katsoulos, 2009) showed that the use of zeolite in goat rearing in a rate of 2,5% in their food ratio, had increased birth weight in triplet and quadruplet births and a significant increase in the fat content of their milk.


Concisely, the use of zeolite in livestock bedding has the following results:

  • A healthy and clean environment for the animals.
  • Drastic reduction of unpleasant odors
  • Drastic reduction and preservation of moisture in low levels
  • Reduction of insects and diseases transmitted to animals
  • Healthier hooves and claws
  • Less musculoskeletal disorders in animals
  • Easy material management which is collected by the litter (manure and zeolite) for organic fertilizer production


Mixture of manure and bird logs with zeolite for the production of organic fertilizer.

Stirring manure and bird logs with zeolite can immediately eliminate the toxicity and permit us to create a first-class fertilizer that can be sold to the market and increase operation income.

Suggested granulometry 0-1mm in an amount of 1kg/m2.

Concisely, the use of zeolite in animals feeding has the following results:

  • Binding of food toxins and removal from the digestive tract and blood circulation
  • Ammonia binding and stomach pH balancing and digestion improvement as well as functioning of microorganisms in the digestive tract of animals.
  • Binding of allergen substances
  • Combating diarrhea and watery stools (better functioning of the digestive tract)
  • A reduction of product feed up to 20%
  • Offers protection to the food mix from growth of fungi and toxins and no microbial load occurs
  • Offers better quality in the produced animal products as it binds toxins, mycotoxins, aflatoxins etc.
  • Reduce the use of antibiotics
  • Better staging conditions
  • Improves the immune animal system
  • Removal of heavy metals
  • Increase in milk production and body weight
  • Improve in the quality of meat
  • Better economic results in farming